Style Guidelines

Your solution must adhere to the following Java Style Guidelines I have established for this course: Java Style Guidelines. Make certain that you following the guidance regarding documentation. Points will be deducted for any violations.

Microcloud Usage

Your demonstration must be run on at least three independent hosts as described below in the grading script. The microcloud is available for your use. The following document provides a brief overview of the microcloud and lists the port range each student must use: Microcloud Port Assignments. We invite you to ask questions about use of the microcloud during office hour.

Demonstration Signup and Overview

You may sign up for your 15-minute demonstration appointment on Thursday, Feb 3 here: Demo Signup

  1. Carefully read the instructions at the top of the spreadsheet before making changes.
  2. Appointments will take place during the class period on Thursday, February 3.
  3. You may meet via Zoom with Sami or Nikhil, or in person with Sami.
  4. There will not be a formal class meeting on the demonstration day. Watch for announcements about an exercise that you will be expected to complete during the class period.

Grading Script

It is extremely important that you arrive on time to your demo session and that you are completely ready to begin your demonstration at your start time. This means that you should have at least three terminal windows open and logged in to the hosts where you will demonstrate your solution. You should have the appropriate commands ready to execute so that all you must do when you start your session is hit enter to start the first part of the demonstration.

During your interactive grading session, you are expected to demonstrate the following:

  1. Launch your demo application using the Default Sender/Receiver implementation on three separate hosts. At minimum, you must demonstrate the following:
    1. Host 1 connects to Host 2 and sends at least 20 messages.
    2. Host 2 connects to Host 3 and sends at least 20 messages.
    3. The program output (to the console or a log file) must demonstrate that Host 2 concurrently receives data from Host 1 and sends data to Host 3.
  2. Launch your demo application using the Lossy Sender/Receiver implementation on three separate hosts. At minimum, you must demonstrate the following:
    1. Host 1 connects to Host 2 and attempts to send at least 20 messages.
    2. Host 2 connects to Host 3 and attempts to send at least 20 messages.
    3. The program output (to the console or a log file) must demonstrate that Host 2 concurrently receives data from Host 1 and sends data to Host 3.
    4. The program output (to the console or a log file) must demonstrate that there are messages that are lost and delayed.
  3. Be prepared to explain any of your code or answer any other instructor questions about your design and implementation.