(Back) By popular demand, I am offering students an opportunity to earn extra credit by completing a peer code review. The requirements are as follows:
- To earn credit for this exercise, choose a classmate to be your code review partner. You may complete this exercise at most two times, once for Project 1 and once for Project 2. You will earn two (2) extra credit points for each code review completed. You may choose a different partner for each code review.
- Each student will provide a peer code review to their partner. You are encouraged to use the internet as a resource to learn about peer code review. Your review may include design suggestions, comments on code that is incorrect or could be improved, and/or comments on incorrect Java style. You may also comment on aspects of the solution that you find particularly well designed. Your comments must be provided in GitHub. Your comments will either be provided as Issues or as comments made directly in the code.
- To earn credit, your comments must be substantial. Comments that I cannot see in GitHub or that are superficial and do not provide substantive feedback will not earn credit.
- You may grant your partner access to your repository. This applies to your pub-sub repository if you are doing code review for Project 2 even though Project 3 will build on this code; however, you are strongly advised to review the class policy on academic honesty. If a student copies code or substantial design ideas from their peer review partner they will earn an automatic F in this class. When in doubt, ask me and cite all code and design decisions inspired by your partner or any other resource.
- Once both partners have completed their review, one student must send a Slack message to me and the other team member. The message must include a link to both repositories.
- Students who make substantive changes to their Project 2 solution based on peer review feedback may be awarded up to three (3) functionality points for Project 3. To earn full credit, I expect to see GitHub evidence of how issues have been resolved or comments addressed. Send me a Slack DM after you have revised your code in order to take advantage of this opportunity.